Help with applying for your welfare benefits
Many patients with a serious injury or illness will be eligible to claim welfare benefits if they are now in financial difficulty.
While in hospital, you may be able to apply for Universal Credit, Pension Credit, Statutory Sick Pay, or Employment and Support Allowance.
You may also be able to apply for Personal Independence Payment or Attendance Allowance once you’ve been discharged home.
It can be difficult to work out which benefits you’re entitled to claim or how best to complete the various forms. Onward can provide access to free expert assistance from the Pro Bono team at Stewarts, one of the country’s leading law firms. They can:
- Ensure you understand your entitlement to different welfare benefits
- Complete application forms
- Help you with mandatory reconsiderations and appeals if you’re not
awarded the benefits you’re entitled to - Help set up a family member or friend as your appointee if you need
ongoing help managing your benefits